diumenge, 23 d’agost del 2009

Seguiu-me a peresola [dot] com !

Declaro aquest blog oficialment tancat. Podeu seguir les meves aventures a partir d'ara a www [dot] peresola [dot] com. He volgut anar un pas més enllà i endinsar-me en el mon dels CSm. I per començar, què millor que WordPress? :)

Espero que els meus "incondicionals" segueixin deixant els seus comentaris! :)

Hasta siempre Blogger,


dissabte, 11 de juliol del 2009

Punto blanco

Tylko dla pań

Que #@%& fa aquest boig?!

De compres!


Hala targowa

Sempre m'ha agradat aquest mercat. Llastima que les botigues del pis de dalt s'hagin quedat molt anticuades...


Estan tancant un parc. Que pasa que hi ha masses borratxos a la nit?

Typical polsih diria jo...

De viatge

De cami cap a dresden! Primera experiencia amb couch surfing. La aventura va ser molt enriquidora!

Que és?

A que no sabeu que és?

dilluns, 6 de juliol del 2009

Fotos de Dresden

Ja podeu consultar les fotos de Dresden : http://www.flickr.com/photos/petrussola/sets/72157621034269906/

divendres, 26 de juny del 2009


Aiguat ahir al vespre. N'hi haura mes durant el finde. Hey, lectors, deixeu els vostres comentaris! Us agraden les fotos?

Rolls royce

Si, tot passa a rynek aqui a wroclaw. Trobada de rolls royces ahir a la tarda.


Estan remodelant la plaça davant l'oficina. Se atormenta un caos circulatori a wroclaw!


Voila, dublin quoi!


Amb la molly mallone a dublin!

dilluns, 22 de juny del 2009

Caminante SI hay camino... (I)

dilluns, 15 de juny del 2009


Gran t2 desde la t1 de l'aeroport del prat. Quina passada d'edifici! Per cert, jo em preguntava com habia acabat lo de la tercera pista del prat I al final el despegue de l'avio em va treure de dubtes.

Pis a dublin

Ole el pis de l'empresa a dublin! No dire quina pero... :-) estic aqui una setmana per aprendre com un equip treballa. I despres de les 6... de turisme! I el finde també!

dimarts, 2 de juny del 2009

Kyiv & Odesa !

dilluns, 1 de juny del 2009


This is also Barcelona...

dijous, 28 de maig del 2009

Benicassim festival

According to ryanair benicassim is close to barcelona... are they crazy or what? there must be some hours by car. This is a real sin! :-)

Jana Pawla II

Chapel Jana Pawla II at wroclaw's airport. Comme on guys, he's everywhere. Wasn't a catholic sin to create idols others than god? It becomes a bit ridiculous sometimes. Fins a la sopa!!


This is vilafranca, my hometown: catalunya and fc barcelona! Nothing else matters... :-)

diumenge, 24 de maig del 2009

The Patio!

This is not an image of the post WWII period. This is the yard of our building. The kids playing between garbage, what a difficult childhood!

Dwerfs in aquapark

Couple of dwerfs (very tipical in wroclaw) in front of aquapark. I heard there are 45 around the city!

Nasza europa

Exhibition about 50 years of eu in wroclaw. Exhibition's name is nasza europa (our europe). For someone that studied european studies it was a bit boring. Interesting part about the dictatorships in europe. Franco assasi!! I l'estaca of lluis llach as a background music.

dimarts, 19 de maig del 2009

Chinese beer

Voilà, c'est tout!

Indian in Wroclaw

An indian performance in rynek of wroclaw. When asked which indians he represented he said all of them: north and south america... ok!

My office early in the morning

Yes, I work there! It was 8 am

University of wroclaw

Beatiful view of the old building of the university in wroclaw. I was drinkink beer in the park :-)


... in the toilets of medicover! lol

dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

More art

Waw, today I discovered an even bigger exhibition! Amazing! Remember, it's the media art biennale of wroclaw!!

divendres, 8 de maig del 2009

Media art biennale wro 09 (and 3)

And this is a cool screen showing "us". Bardzo interesting 2!

Media art biennale wro 09 (2)

This is a fight with laser swords... yoda is still alive!

Media art biennale wro 09

today is the last day of the media art biennale in wroclaw. We had the chance to see a compilation of short movies. I didn't like most of them but still, very interesting. Even more interesting were the exhibitions that were next to the theater! The photo is a playground for kids... more to come in the next photos!

Haruki murakami

This is the book that I am reading now : blind willow, sleeping woman. This is a compilation of short stories from this writter. So far great, better and better! Let's how r the next stories!

dijous, 7 de maig del 2009

Andreyevska church in kiev

Nice view of this church in kiev! After 4 days finally it was warm! Recommended kiev: very nice city!

How are trams in wroclaw?

They are like that :-)

diumenge, 3 de maig del 2009

Front page hostel

Hostal front page a odesa.a q no sabeu pq se li diu aixi? Mireu les parets! :-)

dissabte, 2 de maig del 2009

Metro de kiev

Sanovni pasajere! :-)


Si noi, sembla q a chernobyl la vida continua. Excellent exposicio de fotos al parc shevshenko de kiev.

Cap a ukrania!

Visca wizzair! Una companyia molt mes seriosa que ryanair.

dijous, 30 d’abril del 2009

Pont de l'1 de maig

Vista de les ques a les guixetes de l'estacio de trens de wroclaw.sort que jo ja tinc el meu! Tinc unes ganes bojes de marxar cap a ukrania!!

dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009


Festa a wroclaw! Nou centre comercial. Molt maco i molt gran.


Ja es estiu a wroclaw! Vista de la rynek

Festa a wro!

Festa a wroclaw: han obert 1 nou centre comercial! Molt gran, molt maco I un munt de tendes fashio. Com a minim aquest és a prop del centre! Us agraden les fotos? Deixeu els vostres comentaris!

Casi estiu a wroclaw!

Vista ahir al migdia de la rynek de wroclaw. Ja és estiu aqui!!

Tal I com deia abans d'ahir... nou centre comercial a wroclaw! El primer dia a petar de gent! Soc un consumista... :-)

Casi estiu a la rynek de wroclaw. Per cert, vaig trobar a faltar l'ambient de st jordi... ! Deixeu comentaris! q us semblen les fotos?!

diumenge, 26 d’abril del 2009

Google translates my website

Heeey! Try the new tool that I have just installed : Google Translates my page. If you click there you can have a translated versions of my website in any language. these guys of Google are cooooool! ;-)

divendres, 24 d’abril del 2009

Cotxe sovietic

Em sembla que aixo es un cotxe de la epoca sovietica... mola,eh!

esteu contents ?

http://www.el3devuit.com/ (setmana del 24 abril)

dijous, 23 d’abril del 2009

Nou zara

Nou centre comercial a wroclaw, nou zara de 3 pisos. No podia ser menys! :-)